Hens Night Party Bus Etiquette: Three Tips for a Drama-Free Night Out

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Hens Night Party Bus Etiquette: Three Tips for a Drama-Free Night Out

11 February 2016
 Categories: , Articles

As the maid of honor for your best friend's upcoming wedding nuptials, it is up to you to organize the best hen party ever! One of the best ways to get to all the fabulous places you are going to visit on the hens night is on a party bus. This type of transport gives enough room for all the invitees to travel in style and removes all the worry that comes from people who may make the mistake of driving while under the influence of alcohol. However, there is still etiquette involved when using a party bus if you don't want to find yourself being told off by the driver. These helpful tips will help to make the hens night a huge success rather than it turning into a long walk home.


Check with the company you are hiring the party bus from about their rules regarding alcohol in advance. Many will allow you to bring alcohol on board, but they will be checking photo identification for anyone who looks like they are an underage drinker (under 21). If your guests refuse to produce photographic identification, chances are they won't be allowed to ride on the bus. The bus drivers know it is illegal for people under 21 to drink, and they are not going to be a party to illegal goings-on within the bus. If you suspect some of your underage guests are going to want to challenge the drinking rules, removing them from the guest list will remove any chances of drama on this front.

Additionally, keep in mind that while alcohol is allowed on the bus, it has to stay on the bus while you get off. Open container laws vary from state to state, and they may restrict the consumption of alcohol in public places. If caught with a drink in your hand after wandering off the bus, you could get slapped with a fine from the police.

The Driver

The driver on board the bus is tasked with getting you all safely from Point A to Point B. Therefore, it is good to remind passengers about being a distraction if their behavior gets out of control. Lewd behavior, items being thrown inside the bus, and general rowdiness are all going to be distractions for someone who is supposed to have their eyes on the road. Having a good time does not have to cause an accident to happen, so be alert enough to stop out-of-control acts when they occur.

Additionally, make your driver's life a little easier by having an itinerary in hand of the places you wish to go. Also, make sure they have your cell phone number and the numbers of one or two others in case the bus needs to move away from the drop-off point for parking. Giving thought to these points in advance means you won't be stumbling around the street looking for your ride home.


When it comes to being entertained while you're being transported in the party bus, find out what options are available to you when you make the booking. Many buses come with complex stereo equipment you can plug your MP3 player into. This means you can put together a rocking music playlist before getting on board. This will keep the guests in an upbeat mood as the vehicle travels around. Make sure you slip the music player back into your bag at the end of the night, though. It is easy to overlook small objects like this at the end of a big night of partying.

You, the bride-to-be, and all your guests will have a ton of fun dancing the night away when you use a party bus for transportation. Just make sure everyone knows the rules in advance, and then there will be no drama divas to be dealt with on the hens' night out. Find a party bus that meets your needs through a company like A&A Limousine & Bus Services.

About Me
A Car for Christmas

Ten years ago, I married the only man I’ve ever loved. We met at a mutual friend’s wedding. Ever since I laid eyes on him, I’ve wanted to be near him as much as possible. His bright smile, dark eyes, and friendly personality are just a few of the things I admire about my spouse. For the past several months, he’s been searching for a new car. Because he’s picky, he doesn’t wish to settle for anything but the best vehicle available on the market today. With a little luck, he might be able to buy his dream car for Christmas this year. On this blog, I hope you’ll discover some tools to help you select your next automobile. Enjoy!
