2 Tips For Safely Loading A Vehicle Onto Your Car Hauler

On this blog, I hope you’ll discover some tools to help you select your next car with your spouse. Click here to learn more!

2 Tips For Safely Loading A Vehicle Onto Your Car Hauler

10 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you plan on using a car hauler to tow your vehicle a long distance, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to ensure that you safely load it. If so, use the following tips for safely loading your car hauler before your trip.

Keep The Heaviest Part Of The Car Near The Tongue

When loading your vehicle onto the hauler, you may think about backing it onto the trailer to make it easier to unload it. However, you should reconsider doing it this way because the heaviest part of the car should always be towards the front near the tongue.

If you load the car so the motor is on the back end of the hauler, the weight will be distributed where there is little support or balance. If you were to hit a large bump, the weight of the vehicle's front end may shift, bringing the back of the trailer down and lifting the back end of your towing vehicle off the road. 

Instead, always load the car hauler so that the vehicle's motor is close to the tongue. This strong piece of metal can withstand the weight of the car and trailer, as well as keep the trailer balanced on bumpy roads.

Make Sure The Car Is Centered

Along with making sure the bulk of the vehicle's weight is towards the front of the trailer, you need to make sure the trailer is balanced from side to side. This is done by making sure the care is centered on the trailer.

One way to ensure the weight is evenly distributed on the trailer is to check the tires. After loading the car onto the trailer, step back behind the trailer far enough so that you can easily see both tires.

Squat down so that you can see both the top and bottom of the tires on both sides. Look carefully to make sure they are even. If the trailer is tilted, one tire may appear lower than the other.

If the tires are uneven, unload the trailer, and check the tire pressure. If the pressure is equal, this means the car was not properly centered. Reload the trailer, and repeat the check on the tires.

Using the above tips can help you load your car onto the trailer so it is safe to pull down the highway. If you have any further questions or concerns, you may want to contact the manufacturer or sales rep from whom you purchased the hauler to find out about any additional safety features and tips for your particular model. To learn more, contact a company like Wrightway Auto Carriers

About Me
A Car for Christmas

Ten years ago, I married the only man I’ve ever loved. We met at a mutual friend’s wedding. Ever since I laid eyes on him, I’ve wanted to be near him as much as possible. His bright smile, dark eyes, and friendly personality are just a few of the things I admire about my spouse. For the past several months, he’s been searching for a new car. Because he’s picky, he doesn’t wish to settle for anything but the best vehicle available on the market today. With a little luck, he might be able to buy his dream car for Christmas this year. On this blog, I hope you’ll discover some tools to help you select your next automobile. Enjoy!
